July 12, 2023


157. Group Coaching July 12th

Hosted by

Colleen Christensen
157. Group Coaching July 12th
The SociEATy Coaching + Events
157. Group Coaching July 12th

Jul 12 2023 | 00:41:22


Show Notes

Check out the July 12, 2023 recording here! In this group coaching call, Nicole answers all of your questions about IE while trying to conceive, recognizing fullness cues, IE w/ an autoimmune disease, and more! 

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Episode Transcript

Welcome to another SociEATy group coaching call! During these 45 minute calls as many of your submitted questions will be answered as possible. All questions will come from the group coaching call question submission form that is linked in the coaching + events tab of the The SociEATy membership site. If your question is not able to be answered or if you’d like more individualized support please put your name on the waitlist for 1:1 coaching! The SociEATy 1:1 Coaching ➡️ https://nofoodrules.co/1_1coaching Questions covered on the call 11:40 - I’m at stage 3 now. I notice I usually eat around hunger level 3-4 and get to a pleasurably fullness. I find myself not really feel satiated or get excited about meals with meats, pasta, potatoes etc. I am wanting more snack like foods like yoghurt, crackers and cheese, fruits etc, and my craving of chocolate is insatiable. I find myself eating less of a “meal”, to have some snacks or chocolate after to make me feel satisfied. Is this normal or are there potential food fears/restrictions here? I feel it’s strange that all meals feel “meh” to me, I would rather have a bowl of yoghurt or something like that. 14:52 - I am getting ready to try to conceive and am spending the next few months doing things to increase my chances of getting pregnant/improving my fertility (things like adding in a prenatal and omega 3 supplement, balancing my blood sugar through meals, getting better sleep, etc.). I am also working through the No Food Rules stages because the last thing I want to do is bring my food rules baggage into motherhood. My question is how to break food rules while at the same time honoring my health. I think I have a good grasp on gentle nutrition and I am having a hard time adding in some of my fear foods while also keeping blood sugar balance/nutrition in mind. Should I just be pairing these more carb heavy foods that I am trying to work through with protein and fat and be good to go? I just don't want to try all these foods in large amounts and actually worsen my chances of getting pregnant. Thanks in advance! 18:59 - I’m confused. I’m in Stage 1, and often have cravings for sweets, especially chocolate, I’ll go out and buy some sweets, but eat them up very quickly. Then I’ll buy more and on and on. I feel deprived when I don’t have any sweets in the home, and constantly think about them. I also worry about my weight continuously going up. Should I keep ANY sweets in the home during at least Stage 1? Also, it’s premature to mention this, but I’m concerned that there will be problems when I get to food rules, because I have reflux and am pre-diabetic. With my reflux, according to my doctors, I shouldn’t eat chocolate and other foods, and being pre-diabetic, I should watch how much sugar I eat. With these 2 topics that I mentioned, I’m concerned about continuing a vicious cycle of deprivation and bingeing throughout the program. Thank you for your advice! 24:54 - Is intuitive eating a good method of recovery from anorexia? 26:17 - Since I’ve started SociEATy about 6 months ago I have gone up at least 4 sizes. I’m still struggling to figure out my size in different brands and fits (so frustrating). I’m way nicer to myself than I used to be (thank you) but I’m having a really hard time hearing my fullness cues. And then I also wonder if I’ve reached my set point weight or if I passed it since i feel a little too heavy and I really think that’s coming from me and not diet culture creeping back in. How do you recommend I get out of what feels like this spiral of constant clothes buying and returning, feel my fullness cues for real, and find my set point weight? I’ve read the materials in the membership I just don’t know what’s not clicking. Also for context I travel different places for work nearly every week and I know I feel more hungry in the morning/ day than dinner but dinner is usually when I have a chance to eat in a more relaxed setting. Might be contributing… THANK YOU! 33:36 - I have a very specific and sensitive question: I was diagnosed last week with vitiligo, an autoimmune disease in which white patches gradually form all over the body. So far it is not really known how this disease develops, but emotional stress may be a trigger. Having suffered from anorexia for about 5 years and binge eating for 5 years, I already feel like it is my own fault in this regard. Additionally, I have read that too much sugar over a long period of time (as it was the case for me with binge eating) can increase the risk of autoimmune diseases. Now, not only am I struggling with a disease that has been very poorly researched so far, but I am additionally beating myself up for the fact that it may be my own fault. Of course, I realize that these mental issues were also diseases that I couldn't help, but that is often hard to accept subjectively. Any tips for dealing with the guilt of potentially self-inflicted illnesses? Additionally, even though I already feel so much better thanks to the Socieaty I am still afraid I will cope stressing about this disease with sweets again, which will worsen it even more. 37:57 - I’m currently working on stage 4 but I have gone back to revisit stage 2 a few different times. I am still really struggling with comparison though. I know that comparison is the thief of all joy but nothing seems to help. I pretty much don’t go on social media cuz of it, I’ve watched the videos on body image in the SociEATy workshop, done the exercises, etc but nothing seems to work. I’m doing good in other areas but I can’t help but compare myself to literally EVERYONE, especially in their summer wear. And at times I feel very uncomfortable with what I’m feeling. When this happens I feel frustrated, angry, not good enough, a burden, ridiculous, extra emotional, usually end up in tears and then feel guilty for feeling and acting this way to the people around me. Any advice for what I can do to combat this? More people in. Hi everyone. I'm so excited. This is my first. 00:00:36.000 --> 00:00:44.000 Lone, group coaching call. Thank you all for joining. I'm so excited. 00:00:44.000 --> 00:00:53.000 So obviously, Colleen's not here today. It'll be just me this week and I can't wait to dig into some of your questions. 00:00:53.000 --> 00:01:00.000 But first we are going to start with some wins and working ons. If this is your first call, we do this every week. 00:01:00.000 --> 00:01:15.000 Just to kind of highlight some things that you did. That you did throughout the week that really worked for you And some things that you might wanna work on. 00:01:15.000 --> 00:01:33.000 Differently next week. This isn't too, you know, kind of badger yourself or get down in yourself about what you did or didn't do or what you can do better but it's just how we can all improve because we're all improving we're all learning and we're all just getting 00:01:33.000 --> 00:01:42.000 through it day by day. So first I would love to see some of your wins from the past week. 00:01:42.000 --> 00:01:46.000 This can be anything big or small. So it can be from just join the society, which is a huge win. 00:01:46.000 --> 00:02:07.000 It takes a lot of courage to just Get in here and get started. That's huge. Or it could be something like you're finally feeling your hunger queues again or you're honoring your fullness or you were eating things you enjoy without guilt. 00:02:07.000 --> 00:02:16.000 All these are amazing. Amazing wins. Anna started stage 3 today. That's huge. 00:02:16.000 --> 00:02:23.000 Amazing. You're gonna love it. I love stage 3. It is such a game changer in your introive meeting journey. 00:02:23.000 --> 00:02:31.000 You're gonna learn so much and you're gonna feel so good. I can't wait. 00:02:31.000 --> 00:02:40.000 Lastly, big fight with my family. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Anytime I'm so glad to be here. 00:02:40.000 --> 00:02:45.000 You guys are so sweet. I love to see it honoring my hunger and fullness. It's become a little more automatic. 00:02:45.000 --> 00:02:52.000 Look at you. That's awesome. Hunger. Doing the hunger pack is such a huge step. 00:02:52.000 --> 00:03:00.000 And it once it clicks, oh man, it's just so good. I'm so dang happy for you. 00:03:00.000 --> 00:03:09.000 Heather. Julie said went to the beach with friends and He good good without That's amazing. 00:03:09.000 --> 00:03:14.000 That is what summer time, what food freedom, what it's all about. That's so awesome. 00:03:14.000 --> 00:03:20.000 Once you finally hit that spot, oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you. 00:03:20.000 --> 00:03:32.000 Okay, Kelly, one of my wins is that I ate exactly what my body wanted for breakfast and I felt full of energy instead of feeling Ikey and I love it. 00:03:32.000 --> 00:03:41.000 That when you get that sweet spot of satisfied and full but not too full where you're on comfy chefs kiss. Perfect. 00:03:41.000 --> 00:03:49.000 I love it so much. Okay. I missed one. Shelley, yes, working on making snacks. 00:03:49.000 --> 00:03:54.000 Have proteins, fat fiber, your current favorites, cottage cheese, berries, and nuts. 00:03:54.000 --> 00:04:05.000 I love that. I have to admit this cause she's trend. Actually got me started. Back in the, I hate to say it because it can be so dicey sometimes. 00:04:05.000 --> 00:04:17.000 But it actually got me into like. Throwing some in my eggs or just even trying it again. I just had this idea in my head that I don't even like Godishes and now. 00:04:17.000 --> 00:04:24.000 I'm loving it. So I love that you're having it in your snacks and it has nothing to do with all that diet culture. 00:04:24.000 --> 00:04:31.000 Junk. Great. Let's see. Jackie ate several distraction free meals this week. 00:04:31.000 --> 00:04:43.000 Amazing. I can feel myself being willing to do that. Awesome, awesome, awesome. These are all so great. 00:04:43.000 --> 00:04:53.000 Perfect. Now let's see. Let's get back to working on now. So like I said, this isn't a way to beat yourself up. 00:04:53.000 --> 00:04:57.000 This is a way to just kind of see what we want to work on for next week. So this can be something like I just want a little bit more mindful. 00:04:57.000 --> 00:05:02.000 Well, I'm eating so I can really get into like my fullness and satisfaction. 00:05:02.000 --> 00:05:16.000 Maybe you're just wanting to give yourself a little more self-care or work on your body image, cause it's been beautiful outside, you want to wear the shorts, you want to, you know, just feel good in your skin. 00:05:16.000 --> 00:05:33.000 Anything is. Perfect here. So what are some of your working on? Just say press says I'm starting to be more gentle with myself after eating more. 00:05:33.000 --> 00:05:38.000 Then feels comfortable. I'm really trying to see it like a learning experience. That's amazing. 00:05:38.000 --> 00:05:42.000 So it's a win and a working on. So that's perfect. Perfect timing right in between there. 00:05:42.000 --> 00:05:50.000 It sounds like you're doing a really good job with giving yourself the grace while still trying to see it as a learning experience. 00:05:50.000 --> 00:06:01.000 Amazing. Amazing. Okay. 00:06:01.000 --> 00:06:09.000 Any more working on? 00:06:09.000 --> 00:06:15.000 Still struggling with bodily image. Heather says trying to work on that but when it seems like I want around the assigning to be dinner. 00:06:15.000 --> 00:06:36.000 Yeah, that can be really tough. Working around what other people are like trying to decide like what they're thinking they're thinking of view they're thinking of themselves can really get you into like that spiral but really Most of the time people are just mostly thinking about themselves and how they look. 00:06:36.000 --> 00:06:46.000 They're not typically really even looking at us for the most part and if they are That's kind of that's more their issue than ours, right? 00:06:46.000 --> 00:06:49.000 That's none of their business. 00:06:49.000 --> 00:06:57.000 Great, Stephanie working on I want to eat lunch TV free because I haven't been great with doing that. 00:06:57.000 --> 00:07:01.000 Going to try it this week. Love it. Love it. Love it. 00:07:01.000 --> 00:07:15.000 Sometimes some people find it helpful when you are trying to go like super mindful all at once, it can be helpful to take just a little baby step and instead of going like completely distraction-free maybe just go with like a one cent or one cents. 00:07:15.000 --> 00:07:25.000 So instead of TV that's vision and you know listening you just go to like a podcast or something like a nice little step in there. 00:07:25.000 --> 00:07:37.000 Kelly says I'm working on When my body actually wants food, are figuring out when my body actually wants food and when it needs something else like emotional regulation sleep. 00:07:37.000 --> 00:07:46.000 I love that. That at least for me during my journey that was like one of the biggest pieces is trying to determine what do I actually need in the moment. 00:07:46.000 --> 00:07:55.000 Is it food? Is food what's gonna bring me all that comfort or is it? Or is it something else? 00:07:55.000 --> 00:08:02.000 Some kind of self care or something like that. So that's amazing. Julia trying it more mindfully. Wonderful. 00:08:02.000 --> 00:08:09.000 Jacky is struggling with when I'm a thinner than I will do the thing thinking on that this week. 00:08:09.000 --> 00:08:14.000 Perfect. We know it's not about our bodies or our bodies look like it's all about up here. 00:08:14.000 --> 00:08:21.000 We're gonna accepting my body changing. Well that it's a long road, but it's so worth it. 00:08:21.000 --> 00:08:31.000 Beautiful. Okay. So those are some amazing working on and I wanna share one, something that I've been working on for a little bit if. 00:08:31.000 --> 00:08:46.000 You guys aren't aware I had a baby about 10 months ago. It's crazy to say now, but something I've been working on is trying to figure out like my new life and what feels good to me now, what doesn't look good to me now, all of that. 00:08:46.000 --> 00:08:52.000 So what I've been doing is I've been lightly tracking like what I've been doing that makes me feel good. 00:08:52.000 --> 00:08:59.000 And by keeping track, keeping track like in my mind, like that type of thing. What I'm doing does make me feel good. 00:08:59.000 --> 00:09:01.000 I can kind of look back. And think, why am I not feeling so good when those things happen? 00:09:01.000 --> 00:09:15.000 So if I'm having a poor body image day. I can look back and say, well, for the last 3 days, I, I've been really stressed out or I haven't been doing anything that's helping me relieve stress. 00:09:15.000 --> 00:09:22.000 So that can probably be a contribute to why I'm not feeling good and it really has not a whole lot to do with my actual body. 00:09:22.000 --> 00:09:41.000 So I hope. That helps. That is something that I can now do that probably wouldn't have been totally possible in the past without getting super obsessed with it and you know focusing on food and calories and tracking all that stuff. 00:09:41.000 --> 00:09:42.000 This is purely just to feel good and figuring out what feels good for me and what doesn't. 00:09:42.000 --> 00:09:54.000 And this new. Phase of life. So that has been really, really big for me. 00:09:54.000 --> 00:10:22.000 So with that being said, let's get. Started. Here, let me. 00:10:22.000 --> 00:10:29.000 Let's let kerosene. Awesome. Okay, so let's. Darks. 00:10:29.000 --> 00:10:55.000 And open up some of these questions. 00:10:55.000 --> 00:10:58.000 Let's. 00:10:58.000 --> 00:11:17.000 Let's get in here to. 00:11:17.000 --> 00:11:26.000 Let's near you real quick. Okay. 00:11:26.000 --> 00:11:36.000 Our first question. 00:11:36.000 --> 00:11:40.000 Okay. 00:11:40.000 --> 00:11:43.000 First question. Okay, I'm gonna I short as a little bit just on the screen, but I'm gonna read it right from here. 00:11:43.000 --> 00:11:50.000 And so I get it all in one. I'm at stage 3 now. That's good to know. 00:11:50.000 --> 00:12:06.000 I noticed I usually eat around hunger level 3 to 4 great and get to a pleasurably pleasurable fullness to 4 great and get to a pleasurably pleasurable fullness awesome I find myself not really feeling such satiated or getting excited about meals with meats, pasta, potatoes. 00:12:06.000 --> 00:12:12.000 etc. And wanting more snack like foods like yogurt, crackers and cheese. Fruits, etc. 00:12:12.000 --> 00:12:26.000 In my craving of chocolate is insatiable. I find myself eating less of a meal. To have some snack or chocolate after to make me feel satisfied is this normal or are there potential food for restrictions here? 00:12:26.000 --> 00:12:32.000 I feel it's strange that all meals feel met to me. I would rather have a bowl of yogurt or something like that. 00:12:32.000 --> 00:12:38.000 Okay, so yes, to answer your question, this is totally normal and especially as you're working through your IE journey your preferences are going to change. 00:12:38.000 --> 00:12:46.000 They're gonna go up and down, Evan flow, and different things are gonna start. 00:12:46.000 --> 00:12:47.000 Tasting good and feeling differently as you're working on those food rules too. So this is totally normal. 00:12:47.000 --> 00:13:03.000 No need to worry about that piece. Excuse me and not Wanting more snack like foods. 00:13:03.000 --> 00:13:07.000 So that's how I normal too. I don't know if you guys are seeing the craze about. 00:13:07.000 --> 00:13:21.000 I think like girl binners or something like that. They're basically just like a shortcuter board of like different foods and it's like this viral thing and it's totally okay to eat that way. 00:13:21.000 --> 00:13:28.000 If what you were craving is yogurt, crackers, cheese, fruits. That's totally fine to have that as a meal. 00:13:28.000 --> 00:13:35.000 I feel like there are these like rules out there that are saying these foods can only be for snacks. 00:13:35.000 --> 00:13:41.000 Well, these foods can only be for meals. And that's really not the case. You know, we can have food anytime throughout the day whenever we feel like it will fill us and satisfy us. 00:13:41.000 --> 00:13:52.000 There's nothing wrong with having these foods as a meal as long as you're getting enough of those to make it a meal. 00:13:52.000 --> 00:13:59.000 So to take it from the snack to a meal, you might need to add a little bit more volume. 00:13:59.000 --> 00:14:11.000 So just making sure that you're eating those to fullness and satisfaction and you're getting those, you know, the carpet and protein to make sure you're getting enough that satisfies you. 00:14:11.000 --> 00:14:29.000 Are there food fears and restrictions here? I think maybe basically what I was just talking about where you just don't feel like you can have those for a meal where we know that you absolutely can and with the chocolate you said you're in and with the chocolate you said you're insatiable around chocolate and if there are these certain 00:14:29.000 --> 00:14:38.000 foods you feel satisfy you why not include those in your meal instead of having to. Eat your meal and then still be satisfied so you bring it in later. 00:14:38.000 --> 00:14:43.000 Why not have the chocolate that you know is going to task by you'll be a piece of your meal. 00:14:43.000 --> 00:14:52.000 Then you can eat it with the rest of your food and it can help to satisfy you. I think. 00:14:52.000 --> 00:14:59.000 I think to answer that, great. Great, great, great. On to the next one. I am. 00:14:59.000 --> 00:15:12.000 Getting ready to conceive. Congratulations. That's amazing. Again, right to conceive of spending the next few months doing things to increase my chances. 00:15:12.000 --> 00:15:19.000 Oops. 00:15:19.000 --> 00:15:31.000 I'm spending the next few months doing things to increase my chances of getting pregnant or improving my fertility things like adding in prenatals and have make a free supplement balancing my blood sugar through meals getting better sleep, etc. 00:15:31.000 --> 00:15:38.000 I'm also working through the No Food role stages because the last thing I wanna do is bring my food rules baggage into motherhood. 00:15:38.000 --> 00:15:51.000 My question is how to break food rules while at the same time honoring my health. I think I have a good grasp on gentle nutrition and I'm having a hard time adding in some of my fear foods while also keeping blood sugar balanced nutrition in mind. 00:15:51.000 --> 00:15:56.000 Should I just be pouring these more car heavy foods that I'm trying to work on through with protein and fat and be good to go. 00:15:56.000 --> 00:16:01.000 I just don't want to try these foods and large bounds and actually worsen my chances of getting pregnant. 00:16:01.000 --> 00:16:05.000 Thanks in advance. 00:16:05.000 --> 00:16:06.000 That's amazing. First of all, huge kudos to you for breaking that dieting circle. 00:16:06.000 --> 00:16:16.000 Let a few people in. 00:16:16.000 --> 00:16:22.000 And that's huge. That is such a big accomplishment and your future kiddos are going to, thank you. 00:16:22.000 --> 00:16:28.000 Thank you. Thank you over and over again because We don't want our kids to go through what we wanna do, right? 00:16:28.000 --> 00:16:42.000 We wanna try to. To mix that in the but we can. So with that being said, If you are, have gone through stage stage, which it sounds like you have because you said you have. 00:16:42.000 --> 00:16:54.000 Some general nutrition and things like that that's going on but if you have gone through stage 3 where you've learned to incorporate the car fat and protein. 00:16:54.000 --> 00:17:19.000 That is typically enough to stabilize your blood sugar unless you have like Of course, like history of diabetes or insulin resistance or, you know, any kind of blood sugar issues like that before the the person without those issues just having us foods in combination with the fat and protein is going to help simple your blood sugar enough. 00:17:19.000 --> 00:17:29.000 I wouldn't I wouldn't worry too much about getting No, this isn't something that I would worry about unless you have histories of those of those issues. 00:17:29.000 --> 00:17:39.000 With that being said, I, you don't have to, there's no reason for you to have to balance out, let's say you go for ice cream. 00:17:39.000 --> 00:17:49.000 There's no reason to bring like a hard world egg with you to help bounce it out. You want to take a step back and look at your new nutrition as a whole big picture instead of just that one meal. 00:17:49.000 --> 00:18:03.000 So if you want to go grab ice cream. But having something with it is going to affect the way it satisfies you or it just doesn't sound good, then you don't have to do that. 00:18:03.000 --> 00:18:15.000 As you're looking through all the rest of your meals, that's likely that you are implementing that kind of like general nutrition from stage 3 of including the carbs fat and protein to help stabilize your blood sugar. 00:18:15.000 --> 00:18:25.000 Cause we know stabilizing a butcher isn't just for diabetics, but it helps us to feel fuller longer and helps us to be satisfied and move on with our day when we're done eating. 00:18:25.000 --> 00:18:36.000 And then lastly, we do a prenatal workshop in the society, which is amazing. I highly highly recommend that I wish I had it when I was pregnant. 00:18:36.000 --> 00:18:47.000 So I highly recommend that just go into the resource library, type in prenatal and it'll probably be the first thing that pops right up there. 00:18:47.000 --> 00:18:59.000 Okay, great question. Next one. 00:18:59.000 --> 00:19:07.000 Next one says I'm confused. I'm in stage one and have cravings for sweets, especially chocolate. 00:19:07.000 --> 00:19:11.000 I'll go out and buy some suites but eat them up very quickly. Then I'll buy more and on and on. 00:19:11.000 --> 00:19:14.000 I feel deprived when I don't have any sweets in the home and constantly think about them. 00:19:14.000 --> 00:19:24.000 I also worry about my weight going up. Should I keep any sweets in the home during at least stage one. 00:19:24.000 --> 00:19:31.000 Also it's premature to mention this but I'm concerned at least stage one. Also it's premature to mention this but I'm concerned that there will be problems when I get to mention this but I'm concerned that they will be problems when I'm concerned that they will be problems when I get to the problems when I get 00:19:31.000 --> 00:19:35.000 to rules because I have reflex and I'm concerned that they will be problems when I get to rules because I have reflex and I'm prediabetic. 00:19:35.000 --> 00:19:41.000 With my reflux according to and being prediabetic, I should watch how much sugar I eat with these 2 topics. 00:19:41.000 --> 00:19:47.000 I mentioned I'm concerned about continuing a vicious cycle of deprivation and binging throughout the program. 00:19:47.000 --> 00:19:48.000 Okay. That is totally normal to be nervous about that, but you have nothing to worry about. 00:19:48.000 --> 00:20:01.000 So. I will. I think I'm gonna break this up a little bit into like a few different sections because there's a lot in that question. 00:20:01.000 --> 00:20:13.000 The first is. We, so there's a reason why we typically recommend waiting until stage 4 to break food rules. 00:20:13.000 --> 00:20:18.000 But I know that that's not always possible. A lot of times we, a lot of numbers will like break food rules before they even start this society. 00:20:18.000 --> 00:20:26.000 So that's not always possible and that's totally understandable. You didn't do anything wrong. 00:20:26.000 --> 00:20:33.000 So since you've already started breaking your food rules and are kind of feeling deprived when those foods are in the house. 00:20:33.000 --> 00:20:41.000 I would almost recommend, you know, getting small amounts of chocolate or the fear food that you feel deprived of keeping that in your house. 00:20:41.000 --> 00:20:52.000 So if. So that can kind of help you from feeling deprived because it's in your house, but it can't, but you're not feeling overwhelmed because there's a huge amount in there. 00:20:52.000 --> 00:20:59.000 So if you, let's say it's chocolate, maybe get a chocolate bar to keep in your house. 00:20:59.000 --> 00:21:15.000 And just have some when you're when you're feeling like that craving or that urge. And then you know you have it for when so you're not filling your pride but instead of having like a huge bag of let's say like howoween candy where you can feel like out of control and like you just have constant 00:21:15.000 --> 00:21:34.000 constant access to it. And if possible, try holding off on your other food rules. Until after stage 3, because in stage 3, that's when the magic happens is when you learn how to find and honor your hunger and fullness and satisfaction queues and that can make you feel so much more in control 00:21:34.000 --> 00:21:47.000 around. Introducing these for foods. And that's, kind of why we we suggest to wait, but like I said, it doesn't always happen that way and is more than okay. 00:21:47.000 --> 00:22:00.000 And then lastly, when you're talking about Oh, your health issues, the like the pre diabetes and What was the other one? 00:22:00.000 --> 00:22:02.000 Refux. Okay, so with intuitive eating. All of your food choices are more about your mindset behind the choice and less about the actual food. 00:22:02.000 --> 00:22:17.000 So when you focus on the mindset. So let's say we're using, let's say ice cream. 00:22:17.000 --> 00:22:21.000 Ice cream is something that 00:22:21.000 --> 00:22:28.000 Yeah, okay. I'm sorry. You said pre-divise and reflex. So let's say I stream something that you love to eat and that's something that you're worried about with breaking. 00:22:28.000 --> 00:22:32.000 So, With intuitive eating, we want to think about I have full permission to eat this food. 00:22:32.000 --> 00:22:45.000 Whether it's going to make me feel good or not afterwards or whether it's going to impact my health in a certain way or not in the long run. 00:22:45.000 --> 00:22:56.000 So I have permission either way. To eat this food. Now it's also my choice to not eat this food. 00:22:56.000 --> 00:23:12.000 I can make the decision to say yes or no. So I am in control here. I can say yes in this moment I'm really criving this food if I don't honor this craving I'm probably gonna feel deprived and I'm just gonna want to continue. 00:23:12.000 --> 00:23:15.000 Eating if I don't have this so I am gonna choose to eat this food and that's totally fine. 00:23:15.000 --> 00:23:23.000 You know that Yeah, it might not make you feel great afterwards, but this is a choice you're making and that's totally okay. 00:23:23.000 --> 00:23:37.000 Whereas other times what I'm guessing most of the time you're probably gonna choose foods that do make you feel good and that do make your budget or you know stay a little bit more steadier and keep you fuller between your meals. 00:23:37.000 --> 00:23:48.000 He thought it was going to make you feel your best and those are the choices that we tend to lean towards once we're getting close to, you know, accomplishing intuitive eating and and knowing what your body likes and what feels good. 00:23:48.000 --> 00:23:57.000 So you have the choice behind these. And that's where that mindset is. That's how you're not going to get into that. 00:23:57.000 --> 00:24:05.000 Restrict binge mindset because you have the choice. And you can make the choice either way. 00:24:05.000 --> 00:24:13.000 And we also have we have some good. Materials for you in the society too in the resource library. 00:24:13.000 --> 00:24:21.000 There is a better blood sugar workshop in there. It shows you how to, you know, help your blood sugar while also, you know, not feeling restricted. 00:24:21.000 --> 00:24:29.000 And then we have a an article, I believe it is, and it is called how to navigate health recommendations. 00:24:29.000 --> 00:24:40.000 And it's a good one. It helps you to kind of weed through the diet, aspect of you know foods that you're not supposed to be eating and things like that to help you not feel restricted. 00:24:40.000 --> 00:24:47.000 So I hope those help. 00:24:47.000 --> 00:24:54.000 Okay, next up. 00:24:54.000 --> 00:25:10.000 Is intuitive eating a good method of recovery from anorexia? So this is a really good question because Typically, intuitive eating is aimed toward people who have disorder eating patterns or even have a past of eating disorders. 00:25:10.000 --> 00:25:25.000 But intuitive eating or when you have an eating disorder and active eating disorder, it is highly suggested that you work one on one with someone and they can help you get to a place where intuitive eating can be more helpful. 00:25:25.000 --> 00:25:40.000 With that being said, a lot of members, I should say a lot. I know quite a few members that have joined while they're working with a one on one dietician and they're here in the society for support as well. 00:25:40.000 --> 00:25:46.000 So the society in working with someone one-on-one as you recover can be really, really helpful. 00:25:46.000 --> 00:25:50.000 So I hope that answers your question. Working one-on-one is gonna give you that more individualized support that you're probably going to need. 00:25:50.000 --> 00:25:58.000 As you're in active recovery and you know, you're getting your bearings there. 00:25:58.000 --> 00:26:02.000 And then once you feel a little bit more comfortable and, then you can kind of start implementing like the food rules and things like that. 00:26:02.000 --> 00:26:17.000 But the first few stages of the society working on boiling image and all of that. You can absolutely work on those things while working with a one on one. 00:26:17.000 --> 00:26:25.000 Great question. Next up. So since I started the society. About 6 months ago. 00:26:25.000 --> 00:26:40.000 That's amazing. Okay. 00:26:40.000 --> 00:26:48.000 I'm I've gotten up at least 4 sizes. I'm still struggling to figure out my size in different brands and fits so frustrating. 00:26:48.000 --> 00:26:55.000 You're telling me I know it. I'm way nicer to myself. I used to be awesome, but I'm way nicer to myself. 00:26:55.000 --> 00:27:08.000 I used to be awesome, but I'm having a really hard time hearing my fullness queues and then I also wonder if I reached my set point way or if I passed it since I feel a little too heavy and I really think that's coming from me and not diet culture creeping back in. 00:27:08.000 --> 00:27:09.000 How How do you recommend I get out of what feels like this spiral of constant close buying and returning? 00:27:09.000 --> 00:27:19.000 Feel my phone is used for real and find my set point wait. Hi, the materials in the membership. 00:27:19.000 --> 00:27:27.000 I just don't know what's not clicking. Also for context, I travel different places for work nearly every week and I know I feel more hungry in the morning. 00:27:27.000 --> 00:27:36.000 Slash day then then dinner But dinner is usually when I have a chance to eat in a more relaxed setting might be contributing. 00:27:36.000 --> 00:27:42.000 Thank you. Really great question. I'm gonna break this one up. 2. 00:27:42.000 --> 00:27:47.000 Because it's a big one. So first, let's talk about set point waiting. 00:27:47.000 --> 00:28:05.000 So our step point weight is You're gonna land at this weight range is what it is. When you are eating without food rules, without that guilt or shame when you're making food choices, when you're moving in ways that you enjoy without punishing yourself. 00:28:05.000 --> 00:28:06.000 When you're implementing self-care and having coping mechanisms for emotional for emotions other than eating. 00:28:06.000 --> 00:28:19.000 And you're no longer focused on your weight. So I'm not sure if you've gotten to this. 00:28:19.000 --> 00:28:33.000 We said 6 months ago, so you may have gotten to the set point wait piece. We're calling it explains that the more we focus on reaching our set point weight, the harder it might be to actually get to that way. 00:28:33.000 --> 00:28:38.000 Because when we're constantly thinking about where is my body gonna be, am I gonna lose weight? 00:28:38.000 --> 00:28:48.000 Am I gonna gain way off? I hope I don't gain weight. This can all be kind of like a trigger for your mind that there's another shoe that's about to drop. 00:28:48.000 --> 00:28:57.000 Yeah, there's gonna be another diet coming around the corner. I should. I should really focus on getting the nutrients while I can because I'm gonna be deprived here pretty soon. 00:28:57.000 --> 00:29:07.000 So that can kind of take away from Cancunters prolong the process of finding your hunger and phone is queues. 00:29:07.000 --> 00:29:18.000 And really getting to that set point wait. So unless you focus on your way. I have to write your journey the more kind of like efficiently you're gonna get to your actual set point weight. 00:29:18.000 --> 00:29:24.000 And with that being said, your set point is going to feel effortless. We'll close to effortless. 00:29:24.000 --> 00:29:30.000 We're always, you know, trying to make good decisions and decisions that make us feel good. So it's not totally effortless. 00:29:30.000 --> 00:29:39.000 But you're going to feel like it's a lot easier and you're not working against your body, you're working with it to make it feel good and feel it's best. 00:29:39.000 --> 00:29:46.000 And what was the next piece? 00:29:46.000 --> 00:29:59.000 I know so you said I'm feeling a little too heavy. And something that I want to point out there is that are you feeling too heavy or are you just feeling different than what you. 00:29:59.000 --> 00:30:05.000 Good. That are you actually feeling like a sluggish? Are you feeling like not not energized or are you just feeling different? 00:30:05.000 --> 00:30:24.000 Is there things we can do if you're not feeling energized? There's movements and general nutrition and self-care that we can implement to get you feeling more energized and better in that way but if you're just feeling like your body is bigger than better in that way. 00:30:24.000 --> 00:30:26.000 But if you're just feeling like your body is bigger, then it could just be that you're feeling different. 00:30:26.000 --> 00:30:34.000 I like to compare this to kind of like a haircut. Once you get your hair cut off short, it's It's it's kind of like a a period where like, oh my gosh, I hate it so much and they want to get used to it. 00:30:34.000 --> 00:30:41.000 Like, oh, it was just different. I really don't mind it now. It's very similar to that. 00:30:41.000 --> 00:30:52.000 It's just getting used to the feelings that weren't really there before. And then your second piece about feeling your fullness. 00:30:52.000 --> 00:30:57.000 Phone typically takes longer than hunger accused do hunger is a lot more biological than fullness is. 00:30:57.000 --> 00:31:22.000 So it can take a bit longer. So just keep yourself a little grace with that piece. And this can also be affected by if you're still constantly talking, thinking about, that your set point weight, your body might just not be ready quite ready yet to be giving us. 00:31:22.000 --> 00:31:30.000 So that's something to keep in mind. And then honoring your hunger plays a huge part in feeling yourfulness. 00:31:30.000 --> 00:31:43.000 So if you're not able to quite honor your hunger yet. If you're, still not feeling hungry or eating until those later sense of hunger, if you're feeling really hungry and ravenous. 00:31:43.000 --> 00:31:50.000 And wait until those points to eat, that's gonna be really hard to feel your fullness because you can't be mindful when you're that hungry. 00:31:50.000 --> 00:32:00.000 Also if you're not being mindful if you know most of your meals are distracted and it sounds like you're saying that maybe your meals aren't super consistent. 00:32:00.000 --> 00:32:07.000 Yeah, then and they're not very mindful because they're not super relaxed. 00:32:07.000 --> 00:32:14.000 It's kind of what I'm getting for this I might be wrong. But Being mindful doing your meals can really help with fullness. 00:32:14.000 --> 00:32:17.000 They're not just going to pop up out of nowhere. We have to be really mindful. Continue checking in with ourselves throughout our meals. 00:32:17.000 --> 00:32:32.000 To see if we can feel any of those fullness queues. If you're not sure what's most used are we have a really good resource called feeling your fullness in the resource library and it lists. 00:32:32.000 --> 00:32:37.000 Some of those. Thosefulness queues that you might not even realize are fullness queues. 00:32:37.000 --> 00:32:45.000 And satisfaction is a last piece. Are you feeling satisfied in your meals and snacks? 00:32:45.000 --> 00:33:00.000 If you're, you know, filling up on, you know, low volume foods or you just eating things because you think that they're healthy or for whatever reason, but you're not including something that's going to satisfy you you're not fully satisfied at the end of your meal and it's likely that 00:33:00.000 --> 00:33:08.000 you're gonna want to keep on eating, to kind of hit that satisfaction. So honoring your hunger queues. 00:33:08.000 --> 00:33:22.000 Feeling feeling being mindful and feeling that satisfaction and then getting rid of that you know constant thoughts of waking weight loss and set point it can really be May be helpful here. 00:33:22.000 --> 00:33:36.000 Let's see what's next. Okay, we have a specific question here. 00:33:36.000 --> 00:33:46.000 I have very specific and sensitive question. I was diagnosed. Last week with Vitamin, anomine disease in which white patches gradually form all over the body. 00:33:46.000 --> 00:33:51.000 So far it's not really known how this used develops but emotional stress and may be a trigger. 00:33:51.000 --> 00:33:56.000 Having suffered from anorexia for about 5 years and been eating for 5 years, I already feel like this is my own fault in this regard. 00:33:56.000 --> 00:34:12.000 Additionally, I have read that too much sugar over a long period of time as it was the case when you have been eating can increase the risk of Excuse me now. 00:34:12.000 --> 00:34:20.000 Not only am I struggling with the disease that has been very poorly researched so far, but I'm additionally being myself up for that fact that it may be my own fault. 00:34:20.000 --> 00:34:30.000 Of course, I realize that these mental illnesses, these mental issues were also diseases that I couldn't help, but that is often hard to accept subjectively. 00:34:30.000 --> 00:34:43.000 Any tips for dealing with the guilt of potentially self-inflicted illnesses. Additionally, I Even though I already feel so much better thanks to society, I'm still afraid I will cope stress. 00:34:43.000 --> 00:34:51.000 Cope stressing about this disease with sweet skin, which will worsen it even more. Okay, I am. 00:34:51.000 --> 00:35:04.000 So sorry that. You're feeling all this guilt for your health issues. I think it's fear mongering is So common on the internet these days. 00:35:04.000 --> 00:35:13.000 And when were in reality. Food and movement is just a tiny piece of the puzzle when it comes to our health. 00:35:13.000 --> 00:35:28.000 Genetics play a huge, huge role in the illnesses that we experience, where you live, your access to health care, access to nature, your stress levels, like you said, all play a huge role in our health. 00:35:28.000 --> 00:35:40.000 Whereas, you know, like online influencers, all these things that you look up. They tell us that it's our fault because we ate a certain way or we had these eating issues in the past. 00:35:40.000 --> 00:35:44.000 Where in reality we don't know if you would have had these things whether you had that you were in the past or not, you really don't know. 00:35:44.000 --> 00:35:56.000 But what we can do is work on things going forward. So like you said, autoimmune disease has a lot to do with stress. 00:35:56.000 --> 00:36:05.000 So working on that piece, some like what are some things that help you to relieve stress? What can help you to, get better sleep at night? 00:36:05.000 --> 00:36:15.000 Things that you can physically do with thinking about behaviors that focusing on. Why is this happening? 00:36:15.000 --> 00:36:17.000 Did I do this to myself because in reality, you probably did it's lucky that you didn't. 00:36:17.000 --> 00:36:34.000 The food or food and movement is such a tiny piece. Of our health. There's so many things that go into effect here that that there's not really one thing to blame. 00:36:34.000 --> 00:36:41.000 And what you didn't know, you did the best with what you had and in the moment you did the best that you could and that's all that you can ever do. 00:36:41.000 --> 00:36:48.000 So looking back and thinking, did I do this to myself? Did I not? 00:36:48.000 --> 00:37:02.000 Who knows? You know, you probably didn't because all these things come into effect and It's just it's not your fault and I hope you can understand that because you deserve so much. 00:37:02.000 --> 00:37:14.000 Better empathy, so much more empathy for that. Because again, a lot of this is just a lot of fear mongering and it's not just caused by one thing or another. 00:37:14.000 --> 00:37:31.000 So I hope to help a little bit. Also if you there are therapists out there who specialize in illnesses like this where if you're having guilt or shame around your LS, it can be so helpful to have someone support you through that. 00:37:31.000 --> 00:37:40.000 Okay, so one more. This will be our last one because we are Morning out of time. 00:37:40.000 --> 00:37:57.000 Who this went so fast. Okay. 00:37:57.000 --> 00:38:04.000 Okay, I am currently working on stage 4 but I haven't gone back to revisit stage 2 a few different times. 00:38:04.000 --> 00:38:09.000 I'm still really struggling with comparison though. I know the comparison is a thief of all joy, but nothing seems to help. 00:38:09.000 --> 00:38:19.000 I pretty much don't go on social media because of it. Hi, watch the videos on body image in a society workshop, done the exercises, etc. 00:38:19.000 --> 00:38:27.000 But nothing seems to work. I'm doing it in other areas, but I can't help but compare myself to literally everyone, especially in their summer wear. 00:38:27.000 --> 00:38:43.000 And at times I feel very uncomfortable with what I'm feeling. When this happens, I feel frustrated, angry, not good enough, a burden, ridiculous, extra emotional usually end up in tears and then feel guilty for feeling in acting this way to the people around me. 00:38:43.000 --> 00:38:51.000 Any advice for what I can do to combat this? Okay, whoo, man, if II feel I could have written this like a few years ago. 00:38:51.000 --> 00:39:01.000 Oh my gosh. This is so Dang common comparison is so. Common. I feel like it's just it's just a way for us to try to fit in and that's instinctual. 00:39:01.000 --> 00:39:09.000 So give yourself grace with this. This is something that's probably gonna take time to kind of work through. 00:39:09.000 --> 00:39:20.000 But instead of when these thoughts come in and immediately judging yourself for these thoughts or, you know, getting frustrated with yourself, give yourself a little bit of grace. 00:39:20.000 --> 00:39:27.000 I would suggest as you said you're going back to revisit stage 2 a few different times. 00:39:27.000 --> 00:39:40.000 Probably went to stage one, video 3. It's all about rewiring your brain. So this is gonna help you to rewire those narrow pathways instead of when you see someone in a different body than you sort of going straight to. 00:39:40.000 --> 00:39:44.000 I wish my body was that size. I wish I looked like that. It can be rewired to go to a different place wherever you want it to go. 00:39:44.000 --> 00:39:56.000 Maybe that's to think a different way about other people or maybe that's a way. Or maybe you want to think my body is just as good as that body. 00:39:56.000 --> 00:40:08.000 There's no body that's better or worse than another body. Our bodies are different because of our genetics and our ancestors and what they went through have all contributed to what our bodies look like today. 00:40:08.000 --> 00:40:36.000 And that's kind of a really great thing. So going back to stage one, video 3 can really give you some good things to implement to rewire your brain to go from Taking another route and building that pathway to You know, that body respect by neutrality and actually looking around seeing other bodies and acknowledging how wonderful it is that 00:40:36.000 --> 00:40:41.000 we all have. Different looking and amazing bodies. Okay, so that was last one. We are right at 3 15. 00:40:41.000 --> 00:40:54.000 Thank you all for being patient with me on my first. Lonely call but you guys are also wonderful and I love chatting with you guys. 00:40:54.000 --> 00:41:01.000 Let me take one extra. Look at the chat to make sure. 00:41:01.000 --> 00:41:06.000 Good. Thank you all so much. This has been so great. I love seeing all your names up here. 00:41:06.000 --> 00:41:18.000 Familiar names from the Facebook group. I'm so glad you all joined today. And I hope you all have the best week ever and you'll be here with Colleen next week. 00:41:18.000 --> 00:41:23.000 Have a great day. Hi guys.

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