May 17, 2023


149. Group Coaching May 17th

Hosted by

Colleen Christensen
149. Group Coaching May 17th
The SociEATy Coaching + Events
149. Group Coaching May 17th

May 17 2023 | 00:47:05


Show Notes

Check out the May 17, 2023 recording here! In this group coaching call, Colleen answers all of your questions about honoring hunger and fullness, self sabotage, falling back into dieting, and more! 

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Episode Transcript

Welcome to another SociEATy group coaching call! During these 45 minute calls as many of your submitted questions will be answered as possible. All questions will come from the group coaching call question submission form that is linked in the coaching + events tab of the The SociEATy membership site. If your question is not able to be answered or if you’d like more individualized support please put your name on the waitlist for 1:1 coaching! The SociEATy 1:1 Coaching ➡️ Questions Covered on the Call 14:02 - I have a food “rule” that I struggle to break. I like to save my calories for the evening. I like having permission to “indulge” at the end of the day. This is an emotional coping strategy after having work, kiddo, and husband all day. I hate how I feel after but I also hold on to this behavior. My husband and I eat really late (9/10pm) because of activities and work, I find I struggle to honor hunger fullness because honestly I am exhausted. My old behavior was to restrict or have calories “saved”, I am not tracking them (win), it feels/felt safer. And if I am 100% honest, I like just being able to check out with food times. Who doesn’t want endless popcorn and watch Bridgerton. I am trying to eat more during the day, have a snack before late dinner, and respect my fullness but doesn’t always keep me from emotionally eating the things at the end of the day. Thanks in advance, love your program. 20:08 - I have been seeing some information about sustainable weight loss through a body composition analysis. In my area they have a BodPod where they take the following 3 measurements - 1. Body Fat Percentage, to get an accurate assessment of body composition, 2. Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) which represents the minimum energy your body needs to support basic functions, 3. Total Energy Expenditure (TEE) which consists of three components - RMR, physical activity & thermic effect of food. My question is - is this helpful information? Can you use this as a tool in an intuitive eating journey? And is this just dieting? I am at my largest body size ever. I am halfway through stage 4 I just wonder if my years of yo-yo dieting have wrecked my metabolism and it needs to be repaired. I understand this could be the size I am meant to be but I think before I can fully accept that I need to know that I have done everything I can to know I am on solid ground and am where I am because it's just where my body wants to be. 25:08 - I am in stage five. I have been part of the society for almost 8 months now. It has been such a value to me and my hunger cues are totally on point most of the time. I very rarely eat past fullness and I no longer Binge. I even feel that I am at my set-point weight and I don’t believe that I am fluctuating in weight anymore. I haven’t noticed any difference in the way that my clothes are fitting. These are all huge wins that I’m really excited about! The only thing that has started to show up again, is some food guilt and some negative body image even though I feel like I am at my set point weight. I still have some fear that I might gain weight. Do you have any feedback for me maybe which step or steps I should review? Physically, I feel good, but I feel like my mind hasn’t caught up yet. 31:44 - Hi Colleen! Can you please talk more about how to approach stage 3 as someone who does not have a dieting history? I do not restrict at all, I generally eat whatever I want whenever I want it. I tend to feel over full most days because I eat too much, not too little. Thank you! 34:28 - I have been eating intuitively for about 5 years and realized after this past year I have not been eating intuitively. Is this common? How does this happen? 37:42 - Why do I sabotage myself? My husband was going to be out of town all week which makes evenings extra busy, cooking dinner, running kids to sports, helping with homework etc. With this in mind, I planned easy freezer to oven dinners and even premade some lunches for myself. #win It was a great week. I felt great in my body, my clothes began to feel better, but upon his return I began to eat a little more and began not feeling so great in my clothes and in my body. Why did I sabotage my great feelings from the previous week?!?! Was I rewarding myself for a job well done doing all the things by myself? Was I celebrating b/c he was back home?!? 40:25 - I've completed the 5 stages but fell back to dieting/counting calories. Fortunately it was only for a short amount of time because I realized pretty quickly that it doesn't work and that this is not how I want to live my life anymore. So I'm trying to get back into IE. I felt really good when I started my IE journey and I still do but I'm still really struggling with overeating. I realized this is mostly due to emotional eating which includes distraction, procrastination, etc. Plus, I'm having a hard time handling taste hunger. I'm kind of confused how taste hunger fits into all this, how to know if it's emotional or taste hunger, and if I should always "give into" taste hunger. Many opponents of IE point out that IE is hard to do in our modern world because there are so many hyper palatable foods out there which make it hard for our body and brain to "make the right choices" or send the right signals. Would love to hear your take on this. Thanks so much! 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:02.000 Hello, everyone! Alrighty! We're gonna go ahead and get ourselves set up here. 00:00:02.000 --> 00:00:07.000 2 alright guys. Welcome to today's group coaching call. 00:00:07.000 --> 00:00:09.000 We're gonna go ahead and let Stephanie in. 00:00:09.000 --> 00:00:13.000 I am. Gonna go ahead and open the chat here so I can see everyone we are recording we have our captions going. We are ready to roll. 00:00:13.000 --> 00:00:24.000 You guys, welcome like I said to today's group coaching session, I would love to hear if we have any new members on this call. 00:00:24.000 --> 00:00:25.000 Please feel, free to share in the chat. If you are a new member, we would love to welcome you. 00:00:25.000 --> 00:00:36.000 I see a lot of familiar names in our little group here today. Hello! 00:00:36.000 --> 00:00:45.000 To everyone watching the replay or listening on the private. Podcast we had a lot of questions get submitted this week. 00:00:45.000 --> 00:00:52.000 So we will make some time to get through as many as we can in these 45 min together. 00:00:52.000 --> 00:01:00.000 I always like to start off these calls with a little bit of a reflection, and we do this every single week. 00:01:00.000 --> 00:01:04.000 If you are new, just to give us a little bit of okay, where are we at? 00:01:04.000 --> 00:01:09.000 Right now, I want you guys to Tanya. We're so glad that you are joining us. 00:01:09.000 --> 00:01:20.000 Join 2 weeks. Go. This is my first coaching call. We're glad to have you so so the way that, like I said, we start these off is thinking through what I call our 2 W's from the week. 00:01:20.000 --> 00:01:42.000 So what a win was, and what something we are working on is so think back to the past 7 days, roughly and ask yourself, what is one thing that I feel like, went well, what was a win for me and go ahead and share that in the chat welcome, Stephanie, we're glad that you're 00:01:42.000 --> 00:01:46.000 here been a member for a couple of weeks, loving it so far, share with us everyone on this call. 00:01:46.000 --> 00:01:54.000 If you're watching the replay, go ahead and throw it in the Facebook group and let us know what your win and working on is the reason we do the win. 00:01:54.000 --> 00:02:00.000 Obviously you've heard me say this time and time again is to make sure that we're recognizing the progress that we've made. 00:02:00.000 --> 00:02:07.000 We want to make sure that we recognize our progress, and we don't have just such a which a lot of us do a perfectionistic mindset where we're just focusing on getting there right in order for us to take more steps to get there. 00:02:07.000 --> 00:02:17.000 We want to make sure that we are focusing on those things. 00:02:17.000 --> 00:02:22.000 So it can be some weeks. You might have a groundbreaking win that feels like I am so proud of this, and some weeks you might not right. 00:02:22.000 --> 00:02:33.000 So I also want to just kind of remind everyone that as we do, these reflections sometimes, it's a win, just to say, I made it through the week, right sometimes. 00:02:33.000 --> 00:02:49.000 That's all we've got. There's been something that I've seen on social media recently that talks about if all you have to give is 25%. 00:02:49.000 --> 00:02:54.000 And you give that 25%. You're giving a hundred percent of what you have. 00:02:54.000 --> 00:02:56.000 And I think that is just so true, right? It's absolutely true. 00:02:56.000 --> 00:03:01.000 So just a little bit of a reminder about that, because I don't want anyone to think. 00:03:01.000 --> 00:03:06.000 Well, last week I, you know, had all these wins, and this week it just doesn't feel like anything. 00:03:06.000 --> 00:03:11.000 Sometimes like, I said, just getting through the week is a win. 00:03:11.000 --> 00:03:16.000 Sometimes just in going back to dieting, some of just being here on this call, listening to the replay is a win in itself. 00:03:16.000 --> 00:03:24.000 So just a little a little reminder for that. And again sometimes it's gonna be big, sometimes gonna be small. 00:03:24.000 --> 00:03:28.000 So I'm gonna go ahead and read through some of the ones that you guys have had. 00:03:28.000 --> 00:03:36.000 Well as I. Before I do that I'll tell you to put in the check what you're working on. 00:03:36.000 --> 00:03:43.000 So we do this again every week to think back to the past 7 days, and ask yourself what is something that I feel like? 00:03:43.000 --> 00:03:48.000 Didn't go well, and I want you to think think of the thing that sticks out the most. 00:03:48.000 --> 00:03:52.000 Not necessarily. You know all of the things, because that can prevent a lot of overwhelming. 00:03:52.000 --> 00:04:01.000 I want you to think about the thing that sticks out the most, and make that your goal for the next week, right? 00:04:01.000 --> 00:04:19.000 This is really a weekly reflection that we do just to keep ourselves moving in there's a couple questions that we had submitted to group coaching about saying, I kind of feel like I have gone backwards, or I kind of feel like I I felt like I was doing. 00:04:19.000 --> 00:04:20.000 So good. What happened? This is why we do that reflection. 00:04:20.000 --> 00:04:29.000 Okay, so that we can catch those things to prevent us from having these huge steps backward. 00:04:29.000 --> 00:04:32.000 And even if that were to happen which we'll get into more, it doesn't mean that you are starting from, you know, square one, right? 00:04:32.000 --> 00:04:42.000 It doesn't mean that at all. You have so many tools under your belt. 00:04:42.000 --> 00:04:52.000 You're not just starting over. This process is not linear, and a lot of sometimes the diet mindset can be triggered by something else. 00:04:52.000 --> 00:05:00.000 Whether it is a stressful situation going on at work, and we just all of a sudden food rules kind of start to pop back up right. 00:05:00.000 --> 00:05:06.000 And that's maybe it's a control coping mechanism we want to feel like we have some sort of control. 00:05:06.000 --> 00:05:11.000 And so food will kind of peep out the pup out of that time. 00:05:11.000 --> 00:05:13.000 Maybe it is we. We just had mother's day. 00:05:13.000 --> 00:05:18.000 Maybe you have a rough relationship with your mother. And all of a sudden, this week just feels really hard. 00:05:18.000 --> 00:05:24.000 You're doing a lot of emotional eating. Maybe you're hearing some of that over from mother's day. 00:05:24.000 --> 00:05:27.000 If that was difficult for you in some way right? So we always kind of want to it's not gonna be linear. 00:05:27.000 --> 00:05:30.000 It's doesn't mean that once we feel like we've, you know, mastered our hunger and fullness cues. 00:05:30.000 --> 00:05:38.000 We're done. We never have to think about them again, and that's the importance of this reflection. 00:05:38.000 --> 00:05:48.000 Whether you are a week into your journey, whether you are 2 years into your journey, 10 years into your journey, doing this, continue or friction, reflection is going to be super helpful. 00:05:48.000 --> 00:05:54.000 So think through what one thing you are gonna work on next week is, and throw that in the chat. 00:05:54.000 --> 00:05:57.000 So Tanya says I got rid of my 2 weighing scales, and have not weighed any food this week. 00:05:57.000 --> 00:05:58.000 There's a huge Win girlfriend, does it? 00:05:58.000 --> 00:06:07.000 Ray says, this is my first call. My win is noticing how cold I am to die. 00:06:07.000 --> 00:06:08.000 Culture, messaging and resisting them. That is a absolutely huge win. 00:06:08.000 --> 00:06:11.000 Hale says Win is allowing myself to enjoy the more soul nourishing foods. 00:06:11.000 --> 00:06:15.000 Sally Shelley says I got proper size undergarments. 00:06:15.000 --> 00:06:18.000 I love that when you guys, it isn't such an underrated thing. 00:06:18.000 --> 00:06:30.000 It literally makes you feel like a new person. Michaela says. 00:06:30.000 --> 00:06:41.000 I noticed a few dumb food rules. I'm still hanging on to like never putting Mayo on my burger at barbecues, never having 2 pieces of toast with brefast love that you've noticed those. 00:06:41.000 --> 00:06:44.000 And now we can work on them awareness is really the first step. Right, Stephanie. 00:06:44.000 --> 00:06:53.000 Says Win is focusing on practical hunger throughout my work day, so that I am not starving when it's time to eat or starving. 00:06:53.000 --> 00:07:01.000 In the evening what I'm working on is body checking and body obsession, love that, and I feel like in terms of body, checking. 00:07:01.000 --> 00:07:07.000 It becomes such a habit to just analyze ourselves in the mirror right? 00:07:07.000 --> 00:07:12.000 So I do think that is something that's going to take a lot of pattern disruption. 00:07:12.000 --> 00:07:28.000 So that means when you notice yourself, body checking whether it is, you know, as you walk past a car, or you walk past a building, you see yourself mirror or you go to the bathroom and then you start to just you know, analyze your body in the mirror, it's really disrupting that pattern 00:07:28.000 --> 00:07:31.000 that's certain, happens so often, we just start to do it automatically. 00:07:31.000 --> 00:07:33.000 Versus kind of like opting into it like, yes, I would like to analyze my body right now. 00:07:33.000 --> 00:07:40.000 Sometimes it's just like I said, Okay, this is what I'm doing. 00:07:40.000 --> 00:07:45.000 I'm going to redirect myself, and the more that you do that, the less habitual it becomes. 00:07:45.000 --> 00:07:50.000 But that's definitely going to take time. But absolutely, you can. 00:07:50.000 --> 00:07:56.000 Mikella says I'm working on accepting my body as it is, and accepting the fact that I may gain weight on this journey. 00:07:56.000 --> 00:08:08.000 I love the facts, Michelle, that you said I may gain weight on this journey because I feel like so often we expect an outcry from the intuitive eating journey right. 00:08:08.000 --> 00:08:11.000 We expect ourselves to say, I am going to gain weight. 00:08:11.000 --> 00:08:13.000 That's what's going to happen. Right? That might be. 00:08:13.000 --> 00:08:20.000 That might be the case, but so often, then we are. We have an expectation of it in the more that you can go into this process and say, I don't know what's gonna happen. 00:08:20.000 --> 00:08:31.000 Gay white gain, weight, loss, weight, maintenance. They all happen, but I know that I'm gonna focus on honoring my body. 00:08:31.000 --> 00:08:35.000 I think that can also make it feel less daunting. 00:08:35.000 --> 00:08:41.000 And then sometimes we create a spiral for ourselves. Right of saying, I expect myself to gain weight. 00:08:41.000 --> 00:08:43.000 So then we almost are like freaking out about the potential of that impending versus just taking it one step at a time. 00:08:43.000 --> 00:08:57.000 And saying, I don't know what's gonna what I'm what what my body's gonna look like at the end of this, but what I can focus on right now is how I feel right. 00:08:57.000 --> 00:08:58.000 And that is in this moment how am I feeling and focusing on that? 00:08:58.000 --> 00:09:13.000 So I love the way that you word of that, Tanya says, working on listening to my thoughts and starting to reword them, especially my diet thoughts, and not so positive self-talk. 00:09:13.000 --> 00:09:24.000 Such a good one. Hale says, not so well. Mental clutter, considering a plan to help me lose weight after seeing myself in photos where I feel like I looked pretty good, but the photo made me feel all theways. 00:09:24.000 --> 00:09:30.000 Here's one thing you have a plan. First of all, you're in the society you're working through the stages right? 00:09:30.000 --> 00:09:32.000 You have a plan. So I know sometimes we feel like we need to, you know, grab something on onto something. 00:09:32.000 --> 00:09:44.000 But I think this could ask yourself, okay, maybe you know this week I set aside a couple times a day or couple times a week. 00:09:44.000 --> 00:09:46.000 I'm gonna work on society stuff. You have a plan. 00:09:46.000 --> 00:09:51.000 You're in the right spot, and I feel like one thing in terms of photos. 00:09:51.000 --> 00:10:00.000 To remember is that we feel like we look good, right? I feel like that happened to me this past weekend right? 00:10:00.000 --> 00:10:01.000 I oh, I look nice today, and you take a photo. 00:10:01.000 --> 00:10:20.000 And it's like, I look like that. I feel like I got hit by a bus, and when you think about a sunrise or a sunset, those are just so gorgeous and but when we take pictures of them, you look at it, and you're like wait this is not a good photo. 00:10:20.000 --> 00:10:36.000 right, the same thing with us. So reminding yourself of how you felt in that moment, and what you were experiencing is, can just be a really great, really great way to challenge that self Shelley's working on figuring out how to add more protein to her cereal blueberry 00:10:36.000 --> 00:10:39.000 and non dairy milk breakfast is a notice. 00:10:39.000 --> 00:10:41.000 The combo alone doesn't keep me full very long. 00:10:41.000 --> 00:10:44.000 Could you use a protein shape that could be a really good option for the milk? 00:10:44.000 --> 00:11:01.000 Just adding, you know, a scoop of I know you, said N dairy, so if you're a Vegan, or you have a dairy allergy, just making a protein shake and using that, in there that could be a really great way to boost it 00:11:01.000 --> 00:11:07.000 desiree says, I'm working on starting to work on my hunger cues and noticing them. 00:11:07.000 --> 00:11:12.000 Danielle said I made the mistake of looking at my wait, listed on the officer port for my doctor's visit. 00:11:12.000 --> 00:11:18.000 The number was much larger than I expected. That weekend I was at an amusement park, where it was a struggle to fit into a lot of the rides. 00:11:18.000 --> 00:11:31.000 Lots of shame. I've been obsessing on that number a lot this week, working on trusting the process, and my body sending you so many just hugs. 00:11:31.000 --> 00:11:51.000 That's really hard. And I think that if whenever this happens, whenever we start to feel down on our body again, I always like to come back to do, we feel bad in our body, or do we feel bad about our body right, those are 2 different things and we want to make sure that okay, am I feeling good in my 00:11:51.000 --> 00:11:53.000 body right? Do I feel like I'm honoring it? 00:11:53.000 --> 00:12:08.000 Do I feel like I'm honoring it? Do I feel like I am listening to my hunger and fullness cues for the most part, and letting that guide us, because in that instance, if the answer is yes, I feel like I'm honoring my body I am doing what it needs I'm 00:12:08.000 --> 00:12:23.000 also allowing it to have more of those soul nourishing foods, and finding that quote-unquote balance and learning to live my life and not be controlled by food, sometimes I'll personally ask myself, what's my other option like am I gonna go back to a diet and back to 00:12:23.000 --> 00:12:30.000 following food rules when I know those aren't gonna serve me sometimes just having that very realistic look at it. 00:12:30.000 --> 00:12:34.000 I love that you said need to get back on track with the videos, Daniel, because I think that's a very tangible thing that's going to help you do that right. 00:12:34.000 --> 00:12:43.000 So I love that so much. Alright guys, amazing amazing ones. 00:12:43.000 --> 00:12:44.000 And working on this week. I can't wait to hear next week how they go. 00:12:44.000 --> 00:12:54.000 I am going to go ahead and pull up our questions for today. 00:12:54.000 --> 00:13:02.000 Let me get situated here. We will share our screen. 00:13:02.000 --> 00:13:09.000 Okay. I'm not gonna pull up the chat here so I can see all. And we'll go ahead and get started. Okay? 00:13:09.000 --> 00:13:14.000 So we have a lot where, like I said, I'm gonna get through as many as we can today. 00:13:14.000 --> 00:13:22.000 So this one says, Oops, one moment, my friends, I opened the wrong one. 00:13:22.000 --> 00:13:36.000 One moment to stop sharing my screen. Sure, we get the correct ones here. 00:13:36.000 --> 00:13:46.000 Okay, let me figure out where we starting. One moment, guys. 00:13:46.000 --> 00:13:49.000 At least. 00:13:49.000 --> 00:13:54.000 Okay, here we go. 00:13:54.000 --> 00:14:01.000 A apologies, screen. 00:14:01.000 --> 00:14:02.000 There we go. Okay, do. So this one talks about evening eating struggles. 00:14:02.000 --> 00:14:12.000 So this one says, I like to save up my calories for the evening. 00:14:12.000 --> 00:14:15.000 I like to have permission to, and Julge at the end of the day. 00:14:15.000 --> 00:14:24.000 This is an emotional coping strategy. After having work kiddos and husbands all day, I hear how I feel after, but I also hold on to this behavior. 00:14:24.000 --> 00:14:28.000 My husband and I eat really late. At about 9 or 10 Pm. 00:14:28.000 --> 00:14:31.000 Because of activities and work. I find a struggle to honor fullness, because honestly, I'm exhausted. 00:14:31.000 --> 00:14:35.000 My old behavior was to restrict or have calories saved. 00:14:35.000 --> 00:14:52.000 I am not tracking them when it feels slash, felt safer, and if I am 100% honest, I just like being able to check out with food times, who doesn't want endless popcorn and watching Bridgerton I am trying to eat more during the day. 00:14:52.000 --> 00:15:01.000 I have a snack before later dinner, and respect my fullness but it doesn't always keep me from emotionally eating the things at the end of the day. Thanks. 00:15:01.000 --> 00:15:04.000 In advance. Okay? So I think my first thing is that you're doing exactly. 00:15:04.000 --> 00:15:05.000 I am. Where is it? Say, I am trying to eat more during the day? 00:15:05.000 --> 00:15:24.000 So one thing I would recommend is when you what do you mean when you say you're trying to eat more during the day? 00:15:24.000 --> 00:15:29.000 I would plan to eat more during the day, right? Because when when I hear the word trying right sometimes, that might it kind sometimes might be, are you making is it a priority or is it an afterthought, I think that's kind of where I'm getting at here, I would make? 00:15:29.000 --> 00:15:59.000 That your first and foremost project, because if you are trying to honor your fullness at the end of the day, not eating during the day, is going to make that exponentially harder, because and it's not a you problem, it is a biology, thing, right? 00:16:02.000 --> 00:16:08.000 So if we are trying to we're not eating during the day, or even we're eating. 00:16:08.000 --> 00:16:18.000 But we're not eating enough at the end of the day, when we're tired, when we are feeling emotional, our bodies are going to have this strong urge to eat the food, to get the energy that they did not get during the day. 00:16:18.000 --> 00:16:32.000 It is a biological drive that is going to overpower any ounce of us. 00:16:32.000 --> 00:16:35.000 Feeling like we're trying to listen to our fullness. 00:16:35.000 --> 00:16:41.000 By biology is always going to win. Let me go ahead and make sure we have our background. 00:16:41.000 --> 00:16:51.000 Just paused here. Okay, so we want to make sure that we're taking care of the like. 00:16:51.000 --> 00:16:59.000 I said biological things. First and foremost, so make sure that we are eating enough during the day, making that a priority. 00:16:59.000 --> 00:17:06.000 I would literally oops. I would literally plan that in like, what am I gonna have for breakfast? 00:17:06.000 --> 00:17:07.000 What am I going to have for lunch? One of I going to have for dinner? 00:17:07.000 --> 00:17:17.000 And sometimes that might mean setting a timer. Yes, it I know you say it does seem easier to just not have to worry about that. 00:17:17.000 --> 00:17:19.000 During the day, if only our bodies works like that, right? 00:17:19.000 --> 00:17:25.000 If only we could just say, You know what I don't have time to feel hungry today. 00:17:25.000 --> 00:17:29.000 That might also mean it's time to take a look at the daily schedule like, is there anything we can do to give you the form of self-care that you need right? 00:17:29.000 --> 00:17:38.000 So that's the first thing that I would recommend working on is we have to make sure that we're eating enough during the day. 00:17:38.000 --> 00:17:43.000 It sounds like you're making great steps towards that direction. 00:17:43.000 --> 00:17:44.000 I would just make sure that that is like our top priority. 00:17:44.000 --> 00:17:58.000 The next thing is, that every habit or everything that we do, that we find ourselves struggling with it's benefiting us in some way. 00:17:58.000 --> 00:18:09.000 Okay, so I don't want you to feel guilt or shame over this, or like I shouldn't be doing this because it's benefiting you so like it is your evening escape. 00:18:09.000 --> 00:18:11.000 It is your time to not think about the day, the stress it's your time to relax. 00:18:11.000 --> 00:18:20.000 It's your time to have a little bit of enjoyment right, and you deserve that. 00:18:20.000 --> 00:18:29.000 I would ask is there a way that we can achieve that without having it be solely food? 00:18:29.000 --> 00:18:31.000 Right so in I say solely food, because food can be a pick me up. 00:18:31.000 --> 00:18:53.000 Food can be a, you know, form of enjoyment, but when it gets to this place, where it's only a momentary enjoyment, and then the aftermath, it just kind of pulls us even deeper into feeling uncomfortable into feeling like I just don't feel good right now I feel even worse. 00:18:53.000 --> 00:18:57.000 Because I have a stomach ache on top of having a stressful day. 00:18:57.000 --> 00:18:58.000 That's when it's not really serving us anymore. 00:18:58.000 --> 00:19:09.000 So I would brainstorm some different things that you could do in that evening to kind of soothe yourself right? 00:19:09.000 --> 00:19:11.000 Does it look like getting into a TV show? I know you said you watched Bridgerton. 00:19:11.000 --> 00:19:18.000 Maybe it's having a nice warm cup of tea as you watch position. 00:19:18.000 --> 00:19:22.000 I just love a nice like what? Just physically comforting. 00:19:22.000 --> 00:19:26.000 Maybe it's getting into your comfyest clothes. 00:19:26.000 --> 00:19:27.000 Maybe it is talking to a friend. Maybe it's as you watch, Bridger. Can you do? 00:19:27.000 --> 00:19:34.000 I really wanted to buy a paint by numbers. Maybe you do something like that. 00:19:34.000 --> 00:19:40.000 Maybe you color. Is there anything that can out can give you that little bit of a move boost? 00:19:40.000 --> 00:19:50.000 But it sounds like you are in the right direction, but I would just like I whenever this is a very common thing, where we kind of save our calories, towards the end of the day, as an outl. 00:19:50.000 --> 00:19:51.000 But it's really only a momentary outlet, right? 00:19:51.000 --> 00:20:01.000 And it's again serving you in some way. So you want to ask ourselves, how can I still meet? 00:20:01.000 --> 00:20:08.000 You know what is benefiting me, but do that in a another way. 00:20:08.000 --> 00:20:20.000 Okay? This question talks about body composition analysis. It says, I have been seeing some information about sustainable weight loss through a body composition analysis in my area. 00:20:20.000 --> 00:20:39.000 They have a bodpod where they take the following 3 measurements, body fat percentage to get an accurate assessment of body composition, rusting metabolic gr which represents the minimum energy your body needs to support basic functions and total energy expenditure which consists of 3 00:20:39.000 --> 00:20:40.000 components are Rmr physical activity and thermal effective food. 00:20:40.000 --> 00:20:51.000 My question is, is this information helpful? Can you use this as a tool for intuitive eating, or is it just dieting? 00:20:51.000 --> 00:21:01.000 I am at my largest body size ever. I am halfway through Stage 4 I just wonder if my years of yo-yo dieting have reached my metabolism, and I need it needs to be repaired. 00:21:01.000 --> 00:21:17.000 I understand this could be the size I am meant to be at, but I think before I can fully accept that I need to know that I have done everything that I can to know that I'm on solid ground at where I am, it's just where my body wants to be I love that you are 00:21:17.000 --> 00:21:19.000 wanting, a, you're open to my body's going to be where it wants to be, right. 00:21:19.000 --> 00:21:28.000 One thing that I always think about whenever we think about all of this data, you can gather data on anything. 00:21:28.000 --> 00:21:38.000 One first thing to know is that if there's always going to be a level of inaccuracy right? 00:21:38.000 --> 00:21:45.000 And even when we test the resting metabolic rate that's going to fluctuate based on your hormones for the day based on. 00:21:45.000 --> 00:21:47.000 If your body starts to fight off an illness right? That it doesn't even know like it's doing it kind of all in the background. 00:21:47.000 --> 00:22:02.000 There's so many things that can influence that. So I feel like we put so much weight in these numbers that we can collect in this data. 00:22:02.000 --> 00:22:11.000 But we don't put as much of a kind of like warning out there that this data isn't always going to be accurate right? 00:22:11.000 --> 00:22:16.000 So we're just kind of putting that out there. One thing to consider is okay. 00:22:16.000 --> 00:22:18.000 So if I were to gather the data, what would I do with that data? 00:22:18.000 --> 00:22:29.000 Okay. So let's say your resting metabolic rate came back. 00:22:29.000 --> 00:22:33.000 What would you do with that data? Would you try to eat that amount? 00:22:33.000 --> 00:22:35.000 Even though your body may be asking for a different amount. Just kind of thinking through. 00:22:35.000 --> 00:22:43.000 What what would I do with that data like? Is that going to change the way that I'm eating? 00:22:43.000 --> 00:22:46.000 And is that going to still allow me to honor my body in what it's asking for? 00:22:46.000 --> 00:23:00.000 It needs? Or is that going to shift my focus to again listening to data which is again in consistent over my body? Right? 00:23:00.000 --> 00:23:04.000 A lot, I guess more of the story is a lot of times. 00:23:04.000 --> 00:23:05.000 This data. I, a lot of it's well meaning we want to say, I want to know everything about my body. 00:23:05.000 --> 00:23:15.000 I want to do my due diligence if you will, but I'll a lot of times that data is just going to cause us to have a further gap between ourselves and actually learning to listen to our body. 00:23:15.000 --> 00:23:38.000 So I would say, this data is unnecessary, and I would say specifically, if you are working on intuitive eating a lot of this data is just gonna kinda cloud, all of that, right, it's gonna be very very confusing. 00:23:38.000 --> 00:23:42.000 Yes, your metabolism is likely, Wonky, from dieting. 00:23:42.000 --> 00:24:01.000 If going through the process of the society is going to help that come back right, fueling our body in a way that feels good, giving our body enough energy is how we kind of reverse that quote unquote damage of dieting called metabolic adaptation throughout this process that is reverse so I 00:24:01.000 --> 00:24:07.000 wouldn't say that any of this data would do that any better, and I think that the best thing that you can do again is ask yourself how am I feeling in my body? 00:24:07.000 --> 00:24:16.000 How am I feeling with the way that I'm fueling my body? 00:24:16.000 --> 00:24:22.000 Does this feel good? Because again, I kinda just go back to before I fully accept that a. 00:24:22.000 --> 00:24:27.000 This is the way that my body is kind of like I want to make sure I've done everything. 00:24:27.000 --> 00:24:32.000 So again, just kind of asking yourself, how would my behaviors change? 00:24:32.000 --> 00:24:37.000 Based on knowing this information and do I need to know this information? 00:24:37.000 --> 00:24:41.000 For example, if, you're saying, Okay, colleen, I get it. 00:24:41.000 --> 00:24:43.000 But I'm not feeling my body in a way that feels good. 00:24:43.000 --> 00:24:44.000 I feel like I'm eating more food than my body needs. 00:24:44.000 --> 00:24:54.000 Okay, do we need that data to help us with listening to our body and fueling it in a way that food feels good. 00:24:54.000 --> 00:24:59.000 Or can we just say you know what I feel like? I'm eating more than what my body is good for. 00:24:59.000 --> 00:25:03.000 So I'm gonna be a little bit more mindful of that right? 00:25:03.000 --> 00:25:07.000 Maybe that's all that we need. I hope that answers your question. 00:25:07.000 --> 00:25:08.000 Let me know if there's anything else that you have. 00:25:08.000 --> 00:25:16.000 But I hope that helps. Okay. This question says, I am in Stage 5. 00:25:16.000 --> 00:25:17.000 I have been part of the Society for almost 8 months now. 00:25:17.000 --> 00:25:24.000 Has been so much value to me, and my hunger cues are totally on point most of the time. 00:25:24.000 --> 00:25:25.000 I rarely eat past fullness, and I no longer binge. 00:25:25.000 --> 00:25:30.000 I feel that I am at my set point way, and I don't believe that I'm fluctuating in wait anymore. 00:25:30.000 --> 00:25:37.000 I haven't noticed any difference in the way that my clothes are fitting. 00:25:37.000 --> 00:25:48.000 These are all huge winds that I'm really excited about the only thing that has started to show up again is some food guilt and some negative body image, though I feel I'm at my set point weight. 00:25:48.000 --> 00:25:52.000 I still haven't fear that I might gain weight. 00:25:52.000 --> 00:25:58.000 Do you have any feedback for me, maybe, which steps or steps I should review physically. 00:25:58.000 --> 00:25:59.000 I feel good, but I feel like my mind hasn't caught up yet. 00:25:59.000 --> 00:26:22.000 Oh, yes, okay. So this is what I was getting at at the beginning of this call about the fact that it's not always going to be a you know linear situation here so I think that' whenever whenever we feel like we have taken a step back or whenever we feel like things are hard, or we're struggling, in 00:26:22.000 --> 00:26:23.000 any way, I always want you to ask what else is going on. 00:26:23.000 --> 00:26:30.000 Okay? Has anything changed? You said I'm in Stage 5. 00:26:30.000 --> 00:26:44.000 One thing to think about is, do you kind of feel that like now you're at stage 5 that you should have this pressure to have everything figured out that you should be perfect, and the fact that maybe you don't feel that way. 00:26:44.000 --> 00:26:47.000 It's almost causing this kind of like. Oh, my gosh! 00:26:47.000 --> 00:26:49.000 Like panic. Mode right? And what if you just kind of like took that pressure off of yourself? 00:26:49.000 --> 00:26:54.000 And he said, I'm just gonna take it one day at a time. 00:26:54.000 --> 00:26:59.000 I haven't all these tools, but I'm not going to be perfect right. 00:26:59.000 --> 00:27:06.000 That's that's unrealistic. I wonder if that's coming into play a little bit here, or the fact that you say I feel like I'm at my set point. 00:27:06.000 --> 00:27:13.000 Wait, but I'm I have some fear that I might gain weight. 00:27:13.000 --> 00:27:23.000 Is there this idea that I've been working so hard for these past 8 months on this and now that I feel like I'm at the end that okay. 00:27:23.000 --> 00:27:27.000 Now excuse me, the we're kind of like waiting for the other shoe to drop right. 00:27:27.000 --> 00:27:30.000 It's like, I finally feel like I've gotten this figured out. 00:27:30.000 --> 00:27:34.000 This feels too good, so something's got to go wrong. 00:27:34.000 --> 00:27:39.000 There's actually something that we as humans do, we do self-sabotage. 00:27:39.000 --> 00:27:50.000 And there's something called the upper upper limit theory, or something like that where once things get to, we feel like they feel too good. 00:27:50.000 --> 00:27:53.000 They feel like, okay, this, you know, I feel like they got this figured out. 00:27:53.000 --> 00:27:57.000 We tend to self-sabotage, and that might be what's happening here. 00:27:57.000 --> 00:28:02.000 Because, as humans were so used to something going wrong, we want to protect ourselves. 00:28:02.000 --> 00:28:08.000 This is likely yourself trying to protect you. Right of saying, Okay, everything's going great. 00:28:08.000 --> 00:28:09.000 But I just want to prepare you for when it doesn't go. 00:28:09.000 --> 00:28:17.000 Great right? Because that's reality. Right now, everything's going to be sunshine and rainbows tomorrow's 24 sevenths. 00:28:17.000 --> 00:28:27.000 So just kind of thinking about that. And maybe just like it's just a setup assessing your expectations with the timeline of things right? 00:28:27.000 --> 00:28:32.000 And again, this is not going anywhere just because you are through Stage 5. 00:28:32.000 --> 00:28:33.000 That's the we're kind of like in maintenance mode right now. 00:28:33.000 --> 00:28:38.000 We're we're just kind of like continuing to do the work. 00:28:38.000 --> 00:28:40.000 It doesn't mean we're done doing the work. 00:28:40.000 --> 00:28:48.000 Maybe you're scared that when you stop actively doing things in the society that it's all going to come back right. 00:28:48.000 --> 00:28:53.000 We still have so many things going on. You still have the videos, a lot of people will go back to the video. 00:28:53.000 --> 00:28:56.000 You have these group coaching calls that we can listen to every week as a reminder. 00:28:56.000 --> 00:28:59.000 You have the Facebook group. We have our monthly challenges. 00:28:59.000 --> 00:29:10.000 Right. There's so many things that you can still do and be a part of this, and continue to work on that so I think that this is very, very normal. 00:29:10.000 --> 00:29:19.000 The other thing that I would say is that many times we oh, like, I said, I always ask what else is going on, because this could also be triggered by something. 00:29:19.000 --> 00:29:27.000 So, for example, I talked about mother's Day if this weekend was really tough for you, if maybe you haven't, you know, not so great relationship with your mother. 00:29:27.000 --> 00:29:29.000 Maybe you have gone through something like a miscarriage or something like that, or you are struggling to get pregnant. 00:29:29.000 --> 00:29:37.000 And you know, just seeing everyone's families felt very hard for you. 00:29:37.000 --> 00:29:45.000 Maybe that can kind of trigger using food and body as a Cocon mechanism for me. 00:29:45.000 --> 00:29:53.000 I know that if I consistently have body, image, struggle days right then I ask myself what else is going on in a lot of the times? 00:29:53.000 --> 00:30:00.000 It's your really stressed colleen like you are just feeling really stressed or anxious. 00:30:00.000 --> 00:30:08.000 And then we turn to our bodies because we feel like I can control this right once everything else feels out of control. 00:30:08.000 --> 00:30:17.000 Sometimes making those correlations can be helpful. So just know that even if you feel like I feel like I've taken a step back. 00:30:17.000 --> 00:30:20.000 It does not mean that you are bad or wrong in terms of which steps I could review. 00:30:20.000 --> 00:30:31.000 I would recommend reviewing probably the body image one. Because I know you, said some food guilt, some negative body image. 00:30:31.000 --> 00:30:35.000 I would recommend. I don't know. Yeah, you could go through stages one and 2. 00:30:35.000 --> 00:30:37.000 I do think that going back through stage one is just always a good reminder, because it just gives you the facts right? 00:30:37.000 --> 00:30:51.000 Especially if you feel like you, might be tempted to diet, just giving yourself a reminder of all of the facts there can be really helpful. 00:30:51.000 --> 00:30:56.000 So, sending you hugs. You are far from the only person who has. 00:30:56.000 --> 00:30:59.000 This has happened to right. It's it's I would expect it to happen to most people, not that it's a regression and it's not a relapse either. 00:30:59.000 --> 00:31:13.000 It's just a I had this explained to me once a difference between a relapse and a lapse, a relapse is like we go back to where we started right. 00:31:13.000 --> 00:31:21.000 We just kind of go back to the same place. A lapse isn't starting over right. 00:31:21.000 --> 00:31:31.000 It's just I. I went back to some of those thought patterns, and now I am in a better place so it's not like we have to go back as far if that makes sense. 00:31:31.000 --> 00:31:34.000 So you're normal, you're normal congrats. 00:31:34.000 --> 00:31:35.000 You're a normal human. B, does that make it, you know, fun or enjoyable? 00:31:35.000 --> 00:31:44.000 No, not necessarily, but you're not wrong. This is a very normal thing to happen. 00:31:44.000 --> 00:31:52.000 Alright. Can you please talk more about how to approach Stage 3 as someone who does not have a dieting history? 00:31:52.000 --> 00:31:57.000 I do not restrict at all. I generally eat whatever I want whenever I want. 00:31:57.000 --> 00:31:58.000 I tend to feel over Fo most days, because I eat too much, not too little. Thank you. 00:31:58.000 --> 00:32:15.000 Okay, a hundred percent. So even if you don't have a history of dieting or disordered eating, everything in the society is still gonna apply for you, you may just move through things a little bit faster. 00:32:15.000 --> 00:32:20.000 So in terms of stage 3, we talk about biological reconditioning. 00:32:20.000 --> 00:32:23.000 So one of the biggest things there is we want to include Carb sat and protein at most meals. 00:32:23.000 --> 00:32:24.000 Okay. So we want to make sure that we're doing that. 00:32:24.000 --> 00:32:34.000 I know you say I generally eat whatever, but starting some of that thought process of what you're eating can be very helpful. Okay? 00:32:34.000 --> 00:32:39.000 And then we move on to hunger cues right? 00:32:39.000 --> 00:32:46.000 So you might, if you haven't had a history of dieting your hunger cues either a. 00:32:46.000 --> 00:32:51.000 You might have them right now, or B. They might come back sooner right. 00:32:51.000 --> 00:32:55.000 So that's the first thing you're gonna want to focus on is just those hunger cues. 00:32:55.000 --> 00:32:56.000 And if you're like, Hey, cool, Collina've got my hunger cues. 00:32:56.000 --> 00:33:00.000 Then that's when we move on to the fullness side of things. 00:33:00.000 --> 00:33:01.000 So that's what it sounds like. You're really kind of needing that work on. 00:33:01.000 --> 00:33:08.000 And like I said, all of the information is still going to be applicable there right? 00:33:08.000 --> 00:33:12.000 You're kind of just if you're like check check. 00:33:12.000 --> 00:33:17.000 Then we're kind of just jumping to the fullness side of things and really focusing on that. 00:33:17.000 --> 00:33:22.000 A lot of mindful eating, I think you're really gonna love. 00:33:22.000 --> 00:33:35.000 Stage 3, video 3, which is all about satisfactory, because I think that tends to be something that if we eat past fullness, we just kind of forget about what even feels satisfying. 00:33:35.000 --> 00:33:44.000 What even do I enjoy in terms of yes, the food that we're eating itself, but also how the food that we're eating itself, but also how the food makes me feel. 00:33:44.000 --> 00:33:48.000 Am I in jing? The feeling of feeling overly full most days? 00:33:48.000 --> 00:33:49.000 How can I experiment with this? And again I walk you through different tools to use to work on fullness? 00:33:49.000 --> 00:34:13.000 Queues in stage 3, but asking ourselves what level of fullness is most satisfying, what feels the best to me, and really using all of the tactics in there to work on those things, the workbooks are going to have a lot of different exercises that you can do so like I said it's really 00:34:13.000 --> 00:34:23.000 we're gonna work through much of the same stuff. But it might just be that if someone doesn't have a history of dieting or deserted eating, they might move through things a little bit quicker. 00:34:23.000 --> 00:34:28.000 Okay, again, this is another question. Similar to the one that we previously had. 00:34:28.000 --> 00:34:34.000 It said I was eating intuitively. I have been eating intuitively for about 5 years and realized after this past year I have not been eating intuitively. 00:34:34.000 --> 00:34:41.000 Is this common? How does this happen? So? Yes, a hundred percent. 00:34:41.000 --> 00:34:51.000 This can absolutely happen. I think that if there's always likely some sort of like a trigger for it right? 00:34:51.000 --> 00:34:58.000 So that would be my first thing to ask. Okay, in the past 5 years, you say, after this past year I've not been eating intuitively. 00:34:58.000 --> 00:35:02.000 Has there been anything that has happened in the past year? Is there? 00:35:02.000 --> 00:35:08.000 You know a change in work. Is there a change in your schedule? 00:35:08.000 --> 00:35:14.000 Is there a change in just your daily life, right that has taken your kind of ability to focus? 00:35:14.000 --> 00:35:19.000 Maybe you got busier. Maybe your got have more stress right? 00:35:19.000 --> 00:35:23.000 There's so many different things that could happen. It could also just be. 00:35:23.000 --> 00:35:24.000 Our bodies are changing. That's another thing to remember. 00:35:24.000 --> 00:35:34.000 Is that I think it was recently I was asked a question about entering menopause, and they said, My body just feels so different. 00:35:34.000 --> 00:35:38.000 My body just functions differently. Yeah, it's going to right? 00:35:38.000 --> 00:35:46.000 We're going to age. And so some times, even when I say what's changed maybe it's just my body's different. 00:35:46.000 --> 00:35:50.000 My body's needing different things, because it is a different age. 00:35:50.000 --> 00:36:04.000 Right. It's just it sometimes needs different things. So I sometimes refer to changes in our bodies like we have a sweater that we love, and we get a lot of use out of it. 00:36:04.000 --> 00:36:05.000 Kind of like our bodies right? The way that you care for that sweater might change throughout its life right? 00:36:05.000 --> 00:36:10.000 You might need, you know, it might be able to hold up in the wash. 00:36:10.000 --> 00:36:17.000 Then you might have to, you know, do some different things to it. 00:36:17.000 --> 00:36:18.000 Might have to get some stain remover at certain times our bodies are just like that. 00:36:18.000 --> 00:36:20.000 They're going to require certain things. Sometimes they need a little bit more. 00:36:20.000 --> 00:36:28.000 Tlc. Than other times, but it's it's normal, right? 00:36:28.000 --> 00:36:33.000 And also with that sweater it's probably gonna fit differently throughout times. It's been used. 00:36:33.000 --> 00:36:37.000 It's had a lot of life to it. Same thing with our bodies. 00:36:37.000 --> 00:36:46.000 So like I said I would ask in the past year, is there anything that you feel like has changed, and it could be something subtle. 00:36:46.000 --> 00:36:51.000 It doesn't always have to be this groundbreaking thing like I had a baby, or I have a really stressful new job. 00:36:51.000 --> 00:36:52.000 Sometimes that might just be something subtle of like, you know what I haven't been taking time for myself. 00:36:52.000 --> 00:37:01.000 I haven't been prioritizing self-care. 00:37:01.000 --> 00:37:08.000 Maybe it's I just feel like I have kind of put other people first. 00:37:08.000 --> 00:37:16.000 Right, or anything like that. But I I don't do my same hobbies that I used to, and that allowed me to fil my cup up so I felt like I you know all of that stuff. 00:37:16.000 --> 00:37:21.000 That plays a role in eating. Intuitively this idea of self-care. 00:37:21.000 --> 00:37:28.000 So just kind of thinking through what potentially could have changed alright. 00:37:28.000 --> 00:37:33.000 This question is about self-set. We've been talking a lot about self sabotage today. Guys, that's it's good. 00:37:33.000 --> 00:37:42.000 It's a good thing to talk about, because if we don't talk about it enough. So this is a good call, you guys why do I self-sabitize myself? 00:37:42.000 --> 00:37:48.000 So here's the scenario my husband was going to be out of town all week, which makes evenings extra busy cooking dinner, running the kids to sports, helping with homework, etc. 00:37:48.000 --> 00:37:57.000 With this in mind I planned easy, freezer to oven dinner, and even pre-made some lunches with myself. 00:37:57.000 --> 00:38:00.000 Hashtag win. It was a great week. Such a win! 00:38:00.000 --> 00:38:10.000 I felt great in my body. My clothes began to feel better, and upon his return I began to eat a little more, and began not feeling so great in my clothes and in my body. 00:38:10.000 --> 00:38:13.000 Why did I sabotage my great feelings from the previous week? 00:38:13.000 --> 00:38:14.000 Was I rewarding myself for a job? Well done, doing all the things by myself? 00:38:14.000 --> 00:38:22.000 Was I celebrating when he was back home I think there's a million reasons that this could have happened. 00:38:22.000 --> 00:38:31.000 One thing that comes to mind automatically is for you just tired. 00:38:31.000 --> 00:38:32.000 You did a lot that week. You did a lot that week. 00:38:32.000 --> 00:38:41.000 So maybe it's not even sabotage. Maybe it's not even celebration. 00:38:41.000 --> 00:38:50.000 But it was I was exhausted. Sometimes I feel like we have these expectations that we can do all the things all the time right. 00:38:50.000 --> 00:38:54.000 Everything that sounds like you had such a busy week and it doesn't necessarily sound like you had a time to recharge. 00:38:54.000 --> 00:39:02.000 So was it that you were kind of like using food as a way to recharge. 00:39:02.000 --> 00:39:07.000 This could be. I think this can be a really great learning experience for a couple of reasons. 00:39:07.000 --> 00:39:13.000 A when we when I had freezer meals, when I had things ready to go. 00:39:13.000 --> 00:39:18.000 When I did, some of that preparation my week it went great, my week went great. That is a win. 00:39:18.000 --> 00:39:22.000 I love that you pointed that out. But then we want to say you know what I can't run at that full speed that you know everything. 00:39:22.000 --> 00:39:39.000 Go, go, go, 24 sevenths. So I need to make sure that I plan in some sort of rejuvenating activity, because I know my tendency might be to go to use food for that right. 00:39:39.000 --> 00:39:48.000 The only other thing that I would recommend here is, or I would say, to check in with is, when you are planning. 00:39:48.000 --> 00:39:56.000 Did you feel like you ate enough right? Because that that could, I always just like to make sure that we have that biological side of things taken care of? 00:39:56.000 --> 00:40:00.000 And we weren't like feeling good about the way we were eating, because we felt like we were restricting, not saying, that's the case, but it's always just something to check in with. 00:40:00.000 --> 00:40:11.000 But I like. I said the biggest thing that 6,000 years were. 00:40:11.000 --> 00:40:21.000 You just tired. You did a lot, and you had a lot of wins in there, but we can't expect ourselves to run a million miles an hour forever without needing to stop at the gas station. 00:40:21.000 --> 00:40:25.000 Fill up our tank of gas, and then we can keep going. 00:40:25.000 --> 00:40:37.000 Okay, so this, we, this might be our last question. We'll see how long it takes us to get through it says, I've completed the 5 stages, but I fell back into dieting and counting calories. 00:40:37.000 --> 00:40:44.000 Fortunately it was only for a short amount of time, because I realized pretty quickly that it doesn't work, and that this is not how I want to live my life anymore. 00:40:44.000 --> 00:40:47.000 So I'm trying to get back into auitive eating. 00:40:47.000 --> 00:40:51.000 I felt really good when I started my intuitive eating journey, and I still do. 00:40:51.000 --> 00:40:57.000 But I still really struggle with overeating. I realize this is mostly due to emotional eating, which includes distraction. 00:40:57.000 --> 00:41:02.000 Press, nation, etc. Plus, I'm having a hard time handling taste, hunger. 00:41:02.000 --> 00:41:05.000 I am kind of confused. How taste hunger fits into all of this! 00:41:05.000 --> 00:41:08.000 How to know if it's emotional or taste hunger. 00:41:08.000 --> 00:41:09.000 If I should always give in to taste hunger. 00:41:09.000 --> 00:41:28.000 Many opponents of intuitive eating out there, point out that intuitive eating is hard to do in our modern world, because there are so many hyper palatable foods out there which make it hard for our body and our brain to make the right choices, or this sends the right signal would'd love to 00:41:28.000 --> 00:41:38.000 hear your thoughts on this I first of all, I just want to say how again normal it is to start your intuitive eating journey, to feel good about it, to go back to dieting. 00:41:38.000 --> 00:41:54.000 I'm talking like if you download an app, if you start tracking things like that is not uncommon, and I think that if that are is to happen, I don't want you to get down on yourself because it's just gonna strengthen your drive to be like yeah, that, we don't do 00:41:54.000 --> 00:41:57.000 that anymore, that doesn't feel good. I'm gonna stick with intuitive eating. 00:41:57.000 --> 00:41:58.000 So I think that' can be a really great learning experience to actually further cement your intuitive eating journey. 00:41:58.000 --> 00:42:19.000 Now in terms of taste, hunger. I think the biggest piece of advice that I can give you is to it's not so much trying to figure out is this emotional? 00:42:19.000 --> 00:42:20.000 Is this taste? I think the biggest thing we want to ask ourselves is is this food choice going to serve me? 00:42:20.000 --> 00:42:33.000 Okay, in terms of is this what I want? Do I want the cookie? 00:42:33.000 --> 00:42:37.000 Or is it? I just want relaxation. I just want something, you know, to just distract me right? 00:42:37.000 --> 00:42:44.000 Is the cookie gonna serve you is the Cookie going to feel good? Right? 00:42:44.000 --> 00:42:48.000 And I think if we can try to stop it sounds like we're trying to find like, is it this, or is it this? 00:42:48.000 --> 00:42:51.000 And what if we just broadened that? And we said, it doesn't really matter what the label is of it. 00:42:51.000 --> 00:43:09.000 But in this moment is this what I need in this moment is this, what's going to make my body feel good sometimes, and I think that's with taste hungunger that can be something to think about is okay. 00:43:09.000 --> 00:43:13.000 You know this cookie? That sounds good. Maybe I have a little bit of a taste hunger for that. 00:43:13.000 --> 00:43:18.000 But is that going to feel good sometimes? The answer is, Yeah, even the cookie is going to feel fine like it's it's going to be fine. 00:43:18.000 --> 00:43:20.000 And sometimes the answer is, you know what I am like so full right now. 00:43:20.000 --> 00:43:29.000 Eating. The cookie is not gonna feel good, so let me just wait a little bit. 00:43:29.000 --> 00:43:32.000 Maybe I'll feel better later. I can always come back to it. 00:43:32.000 --> 00:43:46.000 Reducing that Fomo. I feel like a lot of times when we think about taste, hunger of just like craving something we feel like it has to be in that moment or never right it's an all or nothing thing but what if we just got a little bit curious of it. 00:43:46.000 --> 00:43:47.000 And we just wrote it out a little bit, and we just decided to see. 00:43:47.000 --> 00:43:55.000 I'm just gonna feel this right? I feel like they're so much pressure for us to make a decision right away. 00:43:55.000 --> 00:43:59.000 Honor it, honor it. But what if we just set for a hot second? 00:43:59.000 --> 00:44:02.000 And we just said, I'm gonna feel this out a little bit to see if I can gain a little bit more clarity as to will this feel good? 00:44:02.000 --> 00:44:11.000 Will this not feel good? Is this truly what I'm wanting sometimes I think in this could even be something. 00:44:11.000 --> 00:44:12.000 Maybe you set a timer for literally like 2 min on your phone and you decide to say, I'm just gonna sit with this and that's gonna help me. 00:44:12.000 --> 00:44:24.000 Bring a little bit of clarity to it. I think that could be really really good, really good exercise to do. 00:44:24.000 --> 00:44:25.000 Alright, guys, that is all we have time for today. 00:44:25.000 --> 00:44:38.000 I hope it was helpful. I think the biggest theme that I see is in terms of self-samplotage, or taking a step back. 00:44:38.000 --> 00:44:45.000 And when we talked a lot about what's changed and we haven't even pointed out the obvious guys. 00:44:45.000 --> 00:44:59.000 Hello, summer! Hello! And everyone on the social media talking about their summer getting snatched for some of my husband made fun of me the other day for using the term, snatched for summer like that's a thing people say, really, I'm not a cool kid. 00:44:59.000 --> 00:45:00.000 But the cool kids say that he's laughing. I like no people say that, but you know what I mean. 00:45:00.000 --> 00:45:07.000 Everyone on social media is talking about what they're doing. 00:45:07.000 --> 00:45:13.000 They're getting bikini ready. We a lot of times are getting our clothes out, I can tell you right now. 00:45:13.000 --> 00:45:14.000 I've gotten some of my summer clothes out, and they do not fit like they did. 00:45:14.000 --> 00:45:27.000 Our our bodies also fluctuate throughout the year, right so just kind of reminding ourselves that maybe your summer clothes are benefit. 00:45:27.000 --> 00:45:33.000 Maybe they're not. But that doesn't dictate how you feel about your body. 00:45:33.000 --> 00:45:40.000 A piece of clothing not fitting you in the way you were expecting does not dictate how much respons you give your body right. 00:45:40.000 --> 00:45:44.000 Just on a personal note. I woke up this morning, and I was like, you know what I don't love, the way that my body looks. 00:45:44.000 --> 00:45:49.000 I didn't even look the way it feels all right. 00:45:49.000 --> 00:45:53.000 I felt bloated. I held a little back, but I said to myself, as like, Okay, what are my options here? 00:45:53.000 --> 00:46:00.000 Do I restrict? Do I go back to a diet? 00:46:00.000 --> 00:46:03.000 You know those are valid options. I can do that. 00:46:03.000 --> 00:46:04.000 I don't want to. I can't do that. 00:46:04.000 --> 00:46:05.000 That's not going to serve me. That's just going to make me feel worse. 00:46:05.000 --> 00:46:11.000 It's just gonna backfire. And, to be honest, my body doesn't deserve to be punished because I'm honoring it right. 00:46:11.000 --> 00:46:15.000 It doesn't deserve to be punished because of what it looks like. 00:46:15.000 --> 00:46:28.000 It's still a good body. And it deserves, if I want it to function, I got to give it respects right. I've got to give it respect right. 00:46:28.000 --> 00:46:29.000 I've got to give it. Respect right? I've got to give it what it needs and what it wants. 00:46:29.000 --> 00:46:40.000 So just a little a little note on how I came out of like workshop this morning, but I hope the session was helpful for you guys, it's always great to connect with you. 00:46:40.000 --> 00:46:41.000 Please let me know if you have any questions at all. 00:46:41.000 --> 00:46:55.000 We are, what is it we're about halfway through May, right now we still have our emotional or emotional, our food variety challenge going on this month. 00:46:55.000 --> 00:46:58.000 Such a good one. I absolutely love seeing all your guys' posts about it. 00:46:58.000 --> 00:47:06.000 So

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